
We’ve all heard this old saying: failing to plan means you’re planning to fail. But what does planning to succeed look like? Today I’d like to share some thoughts about what planning for success should look like, and how putting some simple ideas into motion can help grease the wheels of reaching your goals.

What’s your definition of success?

Everyone has a different view as to what success looks like. No one definition is right. For some, it involves money. Others value art. Still, others consider relationships to measure success.

What matters most is that you have a clear understanding of what success means to you. It’s funny: we can put a lot of energy into work without thinking about what we’re working for.

Don’t spend one day of energy without defining where you hope you’re heading.

What do you control?

No one is in complete control of every element of their lives. Everyone has a boss, even if it’s not a boss in the strictest sense. Even I can’t just go run around all willy nilly!

Be reflective and understand the parts of your life that you control, and think about how they influence your success. This is where you’ll focus.

What do you NOT control?

We can’t fret over what we can’t fix. It’s a waste of physical and emotional energy.

When you plan for success, it’s important to stay positive, and that usually means letting go of anything we can’t influence. It can be challenging, but it’s vital for moving forward.

What did you do today that can impact your success?

You know what success looks like, you know what you can control, and what you can’t. Now get moving.

Spend at least part of the day, every day, doing something that moves the needle toward success. When we’re down and not focused on the right things, it’s easy to wallow in the muck of inaction. Don’t let that distract you.

How you make your moves can look like a lot of things. Even if you spend time reading, writing, or experiencing the world, make sure you’re always, as Tony Robbins says, nourishing your spirit.

There are plenty more things we could say about planning for success, and just the importance of planning for anything. Stay tuned, because I have plans for planning!
