
T he world’s most successful movies all seem to come from comic books these days. If you put the word “Avengers” in a film’s title, it’s going to sell a billion dollars worth of tickets, for sure. Why are we so interested in heroes?

I think it’s because we need them now, more than ever. Maybe we always did, but the world seems particularly hungry for heroes right now. We cheer when a man dressed like a flag punches a guy. We line up to watch another in a technological suit of armor fly through the air.

It’s got me thinking: if we need heroes so much, why don’t we become them ourselves?

Of course, we’ll never be born on Krypton, and we’ll never rule Wakanda, but we can still be heroic, if even in little ways.

At Total Life Changes, we try to be heroes by inspiring people to do their best. We offer products that encourage personal development and growth, and we reach out with encouragement. Our Life Changer program helps people grow their own small business.

A Life Changer can do more than just grow their own business. They can help other folks grow theirs, and they can help customers reach health and wellness goals. Serving other people is heroic.

That’s not to say that we require our heroes to be perfect; everyone makes mistakes. I recently learned about one particular group of superheroes, the Thunderbolts, that’s made entirely of villains who are now trying to do better. They don’t all make good on their new lease on life, but I appreciate the idea that, no matter what our past transgressions might have been, we can always start making better decisions. We can always be a hero.

That means that heroism can come from small acts of kindness. It comes from doing the right thing, even when it isn’t easy. From taking the actions of love. From being present for people, in good times and in bad.

You can be a hero, every day, just by treating each other with kindness.

Let a smile and a handshake be your suit of armor, and you can soar.


Jack Fallon