
T otal Life Changes is honored to be a small part of our Life Changers’ dreams. Through our partnerships, thousands of people around the world have become small business owners. Growing your business is always a challenge, so it’s important to take advantage of all the tools you have available. That includes social media.

Social media grew out of Web 2.0 technology—the sort of applications and programs which enabled home users to generate their own content and make it available on the World Wide Web. What started as simple blogs has now evolved into a growing list of platforms: Facebook, Instagram, WordPress, Tik Tok, Twitter, and the rest. Using social media to grow your business makes sense as a strategy because so many people access it regularly.

According to recent findings, more than half of the world’s population uses social media. That percentage is even higher in countries like the United States where Internet access is easier to obtain. That makes it fertile ground for growing your business.

Below I offer five easy tips to remember as you set out to use social media to grow your business.

1) Choose Your Platform(s)

There’s an old adage: it’s better to do a few things well than a lot of things poorly. Using social media to grow your business follows the same concept.

There are just too many social media platforms for the average small business to successfully use them all. You’re much better off choosing one or two and establishing yourself there.

Before choosing, think about the strengths of each platform. Facebook focuses on the community of groups, while Instagram is primarily visual. Twitter uses quick blurbs to break through the noise. The list goes on.

Choose your platform, and then take advantage of its functionality to better reach your audience.

2) Talk in Pictures

A picture is worth a thousand words, especially online.

Do what you can to post pictures that tell the story of your company. Show your products and services in the real world, being used by real people.

We’re lucky in that most of us have phones that take really great pictures and videos but don’t just snap away blindly. Pay attention to your framing. Look closely at what’s in the background of the photo or video.

Marketers know that customers respond to faces. Showcase the people in your photos.

There are plenty of sites that offer tips on taking good pictures with your smartphone.

3) Make a Commitment to Keep Posting

Your social media site is a gathering place for customers and potential customers. Make sure the porch light is always on and fresh fruit is routinely placed in the basket on the table.

Commit to adding content to your social media sites regularly. Pick a schedule and keep it. One way to encourage regular posting, and audience engagement, is to use a hashtag. That helps people find your brand and interact with your brand.

At TLC, we use a number of hashtags on our social media accounts: #believeinmore, #tlchq, and #weloveeachotherperiod, for example. Choose a hashtag with a day in it, like #sundayfunday, and make sure you always post to keep your audience coming back.

4) Show People You, too, Are a Person!

One of the gifts of social media is that it gives followers a glimpse into other people’s lives. Grow your business using social media by showing the behind-the-scenes action of running your company.

Show your customers how their loyalty moves you to provide excellent service. Better yet, show your customers that you use your products, too, and they make a positive difference in your life.

Social media humanizes a business. You are the face of your company. Let your personality shine through!

5) Let Your Message Sell For You

Finally, remember that too many high-pressure sales can turn-off customers. Don’t feel the need to make every post an advertisement.

Sell your product, and yourself, through honesty, accessibility, and a clear message. You’ll be rewarded.

Using social media to grow your business can be an effective way of finding and retaining customers. With a little work, you can cultivate your business’s image and be on your way to success.

Jack Fallon