
The very first product from Total Life Changes was our best-selling liquid multi-vitamin, NutraBurst. It came to market in 1999, after two full years of trial and error to make it everything I wanted.

I wanted a product that was packed with nutrients, but also low-calorie. We know that weight loss is a complicated combination of diet and exercise, but I wanted NutraBurst to be able to be part of the total package of good choices someone could make on their wellness journey. In the end, NutraBurst was equipped with 72 minerals, 10 vitamins, 22 phytonutrients, 19 amino acids, 13 whole food greens, and 12 herbs, a list that makes me proud every time I see it on one of our Facts You’ll Feel flyers.

In addition to being good for you, I wanted NutraBurst to be something people would enjoy. What good is a vitamin if you don’t want to take it? So we needed to make it taste good, too.

It’s hard to put the taste of NutraBurst into words. It’s got a hint of citrus and a suggestion of vanilla that matches its tropical scent. It’s thicker than water but easy to swallow. NutraBurst tastes like sunshine and fresh garden vegetables, probably because that’s what it’s made from!

I sold NutraBurst from the trunk of my car at first, and then we sold it from our basement. I love telling the story of our basement. Filled with people and NutraBurst, we were elbow to elbow, but we always had fun. You can see a picture of the original NutraBurst label in my book, Believe in More. It was simple because all our money went into the bottle, not wrapped around the outside! Thankfully, we got to move out of the basement and into a warehouse, until even that was too small for all the TLC success.

Now I get to hear about all the wonderful success people have with our product. If you’d like, join the community at our Twitter page, @TLCHQ, and see for yourself why I’m so proud of NutraBurst. NutraBurst was our first product you can feel, and over twenty years later, it’s still going strong.

Jack Fallon