
Essayist Anais Nin once wrote, “We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” She was explaining the impact that our attitude can have on how we perceive the world. When our mood is crummy, we see the world as something crummy. When we have a more positive outlook, we see a world full of possibilities. Staying positive, even in the face of a let-down or rejection, is good for your personal and professional well-being.

I know a guy who maintains aquariums as a hobby. His fish stay healthy and live longer when he successfully provides a positive environment for them. When fish are in a negative situation, they get sick and they struggle to do all the wonderful fishy things that make their lives so interesting. We are the same way. We suffer when we are surrounded by negativity, inside and out. Staying positive keeps us healthy.

How do we do that? Here are five tips for staying positive that I think can help you face even the most trying times.

Start a Gratitude Journal

Even during tough times, we all have things in our lives to be grateful for. Spend five minutes each day writing down what you’re grateful for that day. It could be something simple, like that perfect cup of morning coffee, or something more profound.

This journal is just for you, so don’t worry about being judged. Spelling and grammar don’t count, either!

Put things in perspective

It’s important to take a moment when you’re feeling down to understand that bad feelings are just temporary. The arcs of our lives bend toward the positive, even if we have to be patient and wait for it.

Don’t make mountains out of molehills. Staying positive doesn’t mean tough times disappear, but it does mean finding the silver linings and not making things worse by dwelling on the negative.

Realize you naturally want to be happy

Like those aquarium fish, we all naturally want to live in a positive environment. Accepting that you naturally want to thrive and be happy is a good step toward staying positive.

Don’t presume that you need to feel bad. You deserve to be happy, and you want to be happy. Find what makes you happy, embrace it, and enjoy it.

Surround yourself with positive people

I keep going back to the story of TLC, and how I brought along my friends and family into the company early on. I didn’t bring them on board just because they were handy; I asked them to join me on my journey because they were all positive people.

They keep me motivated when life becomes challenging, and they help me stay positive.

Surround yourself with people who inspire you. Leave behind people who bring you down.

Be a blessing to someone else

Finally, stay positive by spreading positivity. Offer a kind word, a hand up, a smile. Positivity isn’t expensive, but it’s powerful.

How can you help someone in need? How can you improve someone’s life?

At TLC, we try to give back to the communities and people we serve. Everyone has something to offer. Your time, talent, and treasure can make a meaningful difference in someone’s life, and through helping others, you feel good. That’s staying positive and creating change, and it doesn’t get any better than that!

However you’re feeling, I hope you can find a moment today to feel the love everyone at TLC has for you. We are so glad you’re in our lives. If you’re a long-time customer, one of our Life Changer partners, or just finding this blog for the first time passing through, we appreciate you. You’re important. You’re amazing. You’re loved.

Jack Fallon