
For any business to succeed, it must identify opportunities to grow. There’s an old saying that says “If you aren’t growing, you’re dying.” There’s some truth to that in business, thanks to the realities of inflation, increasing costs of materials and space, and other economic realities. Looking for ways to grow your business can be scary. Like many things of value, it often takes some faith, but finding a way to grow your business is imperative for the continued health and success of your company.

Humble Beginnings

The seed of Total Life Changes was planted in our basement. With one product, and the generous efforts of a few friends and family, TLC gained momentum that has never quit. How do you grow your business from nothing into something?

First, identify a need in the marketplace. For me, I researched emerging markets and decided that I could do some good in the health and wellness sector. I paired really great products with a transparent, generous network marketing program that let other people share in my success.

Second, find ways to dovetail new success with established winners. Your existing customers provide great market research. What do they like? What can they use more of? How can you provide that for them?

“Does Anyone Speak Spanish?”

At TLC, we realized that our products were gaining traction in Latin America. What a magnificent but unexpected gift! To attend to those customers properly, we needed the right staff to meet those customers’ needs. In our basement, no one even spoke Spanish!

We reached out to Rosa, who knew one of the neighbors who had been working in our basement. Rosa spoke Spanish as her first language. My mother-in-law interviewed Rosa at a Panera Bread restaurant and quickly realized Rosa was the perfect person to help our business grow. Rosa is still with TLC today, serving as our International Relations Manager and the host of the popular web show Rosa’s On Fire!

To grow your business, look for ways to meet your customers where they’re at. The investment you make in helping customers feel valued will be worth it.

Beyond the Basement

As we look to grow our business beyond the basement, we continue to expand our product lines based on what our customers request. That includes products that feature the popular CBD extract, and our new Nautica Sea Moss dietary supplement.

Grow your business by listening to your customers’ needs. Use social media to ask how you can better serve the people who trust you. Be sure to follow through, and announce new products and services as you roll them out. As you grow your business, share your success with the people who helped you achieve it!

Jack Fallon